Transition Class

The Transition class (Vasega) is our school readiness programme targeted for 4 - 5 year olds and is lead by Alena and Soteria.  We deliver a rich literacy/numeracy programme through a bilingual approach of Samoan and English.

Here are some of the key objectives in our Transition programme.
  • Daily - Transition learning time from 12:30 - 2pm
  • Development of early Numeracy and Literacy skills.
  • Development of  Alphabet skills - Phonics
  • Developing social skills
  • Developing fine motor skills
  • Planned visits to the child's Primary School 2 weeks before starting school.
  • Library visits every Friday from 10 - 11am

1 comment:

  1. Dear, we are moving to cook islan soon and we need a achool for our years old doughter, she will be 4 in november. can you give me the process and documents to get her in the school.?
    thank you.
